Thursday, October 15, 2009

inaugural spin.

this is all in an effort to write more and post on facebook less. we were at a wedding in north carolina last week and i had three people come up to me, who mind you i don't keep in touch with, and ask me if "mexi" was there with me. sign number 159 that i spend too much time on facebook. something about instant, mass communication with people i know, used to know, or care about, comforts me. strange, right? i'm hoping that blogging will be a vehicle for those who want to know more about my life to catch up with me in a more in depth forum. readers of the blog will be by invitation only. the link will not be posted on facebook.

my main hope however is that i start writing again. really writing. meghan reminded me the other night that she doesn't know me as a writer. how odd. i was known as the poet of my high school. i filled up quite a few journals in college. honestly, pen and paper was never far from my side until i discovered facebook. i'm not totally leaving this online community of "friends"...only taking a step back. i'm intentionally working to rediscover my narrative side and stop thinking in third person, one sentence, updates. we shall see, we shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!! I'm a big fan of blogging! I look forward to reading yours :)
